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[Drama/Independent] All Things Fall Apart (1080p HD) [天崩地裂] |
![]() Genre: Drama Released: 2012 © 2010 Things Fall Apart, LLC. About the Movie (Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson) is a college running back with a fierce combination of blazing speed and stunning power. At the pinnacle of his college football career and gearing up to start a successful NFL one, life unexpectedly takes a turn and what was once easy and natural becomes unattainable. With his football career in serious jeopardy, Deon begins to realize a startling truth…he is not the man he thought he was. Equipped with this newfound information, Deon sets out to better himself by reuniting his family and picking up the pieces of his life. ALL THINGS FALL APART is a triumphant and touching story about a man who loses everything, but gains the world. Also starring Lynn Whitfield, Mario Van Peebles and Ray Liotta. 导演: Mario Van Peebles 编剧: 50 Cent 主演: 50 Cent 类型: 剧情 / 运动 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2011 剧情简介 邓恩是大学橄榄球队的明星球员,拥有超凡的速度和力量,即将进入职业球队,前途无量。母亲比易在酒吧作两个班,弟弟肖也是个大学生依靠打工和奖学金支付学费。邓恩是大学里的风云人物,平时为人高傲自私,并没有在意家人的感受。一天,邓恩在更衣室里晕倒,在医院醒来后得知自己得了癌症,永远不能再打球了。这个噩耗打破了他的梦想和真个家庭的希望,癌症和治疗让他的体重下降了80磅,虚弱而无助。在生命最后的时间里,邓恩意识到自己以前忽略了的家人,他勇敢占了起来,将家人重新凝聚在一起。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movi ... l-apart/id490177044
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