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[Kids & Family] Dinosaur (1080p HD) [恐龙] |
![]() Genre: Kids & Family Released: 2000 © 2000 Disney Enterprises, Inc. About the Movie A dinosaur egg is stolen from its nest and passed along by various birds, animals and other predators each hoping to eat it. Fumbled into a community of kind and nurturing lemurs, it cracks open and Aladar, a baby dinosaur emerges. He lives happily and peacefully among the lemurs, who raise him into adolescence. However, when a natural disaster occurs, wiping out the beautiful rainforest that was their home, teenage Aladar joins a dinosaur pilgrimage--and discovers his true ancestry--in order to bring his lemur family to safety. 导演: Eric Leighton / Ralph Zondag 编剧: 沃伦·格林 / John Harrison / Robert Nelson Jacobs 主演: D·B·斯威尼 / 阿尔法·伍达德 / 奥西·戴维斯 类型: 动画 / 冒险 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2000-05-19 片长: 82 分钟 剧情简介 小禽龙阿拉达生活在白垩纪晚期,他自小就生活在一个桃花园般的小岛上。由一群狐猴抚养长大大的阿拉达从来就没有见过自己的同类,与他的狐猴朋友一直无忧无虑的生活在一起。一场不期而至的流星雨将阿拉达所在的小岛击毁了,阿拉达和他的狐猴朋友一起逃难来到了大陆。这时,因为大气变热,水源供给越来越紧张,阿拉达他们遇上了一群正在迁徙寻找新的栖身之地的恐龙并加入了他们。于是,阿拉达和同伴们一起开始了这次异常艰难的迁徙之旅。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/dinosaur/id296353403
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