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[Musicals/Music Feature Films] Flatley Lord of the Dance: Dangerous Games (1080p HD) [王者之舞:危险游戏] |
![]() Genre: Musicals Released: 2014 © 2016 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved. About the Movie Michael Flatley is back on stage with Lord of the Dance: Dangerous Games, his newest and most exciting adventure yet. Live from London's Palladium, with performances from Nadine Coyle (as Erin the Goddess) and an all new award-winning cast! Lord of the Dance is a classic tale of good versus evil. The Little Spirit has a dream in which The Lord of the Dance, who represents all things good in the world, must fight against evil in the form of The Dark Lord and his army of Dark Disciples. Morrighan the Seductress comes between The Lord and his true love Saoirse, while Erin the Goddess puts into songs the words that the dances convey. Will The Lord of the Dance and his Chieftains defeat The Dark Lord and his men? Will the spirit's dream become a nightmare from which she cannot wake? Let the dance embrace you and take you on a journey filled with energy and passion... 剧情简介 通用100thmulti获奖,多破纪录的迈克尔弗拉特利回到西区舞台与他的最壮观的表演日期他最初的杰作,史诗般的新的分期,迈克尔弗拉特利的舞王:危险游戏风暴到蓝光在十壹月第二十四编舞和导演迈克尔弗拉特利自己,迈克尔弗拉特利的舞王:危险的游戏功能,壮观的特效和壹个由四十个在世界上最有才华的青年演员优秀的演员,包括杰姆斯基冈,摩根和马修史密斯作为“人之舞”和前世界冠军的体操运动员爱丽丝厄普科特杂技“小精灵”。著名歌星纳丁科伊尔(女孩乐团)借给她的声音演出的乐曲,演奏的女神伊林的角色,作为壹个令人振奋的新评分部分从德国法希。庆祝20年的不可错过的演出舞台跺脚,壹五电影收藏套装也就在圣诞节时可用迈克尔弗拉特利采集功能眼花缭乱的宝石在壹个人的职业生涯中的冠;包括“舞王”,“火焰”的脚,“凯尔特之虎“,”金“和舞蹈的PIECES去抵抗主:危险的游戏最畅销的壹个西区戏居的壹年;王者之舞:危险游戏了首映独家8周传奇伦敦钯有限公司开始在2014九月在温布利体育场第壹。令人惊叹的表演,然后展开了广泛的世界巡回演出,在200个国家超过15个表演计划在未来18个月。全新歌曲,新服装,新的分期和新演员,不要错过妳的机会来见证这壹史诗不幸世界上最心爱的壮观的舞蹈。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movi ... gerous/id1065629002
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