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[Classics/Documentary] Ghosts from the Past (1080p HD) [过去的恶魔] |
![]() Genre: Documentary Released: 2014 © 2014 Windmill Film / NCRV About the Movie In his jail cell ex-con Viggo is constantly dogged by the question how he developed himself from a sensitive boy to a hardened criminal. Viggo decides to leave crime behind and dives into his past in an attempt to try and avoid the mistakes and pitfalls from the past. Viggo realizes the damage he contracted in his family threatens his new life choices. In his quest to defuse his noxious past he carries away his two sisters. Their confrontations bring back a painful past, and the secrets of their incestuous family and manipulating father surface. An extraordinarily powerful portrait of a family that lost its way. 导演:Cinta Forger、Walther Grotenhuis 摄影:Wiro Felix 编剧:Walther Grotenhuis、Lies Janssen 剪辑:Albert Markus 声音:Hens van Rooij 制片:Annemiek van der Hell for Windmill Film BV 荷兰/2014年/彩色、黑白/DCP/90分钟 剧情简介 “我不想成为谁,我想成为谁,但我是谁?”当有犯罪前科的Viggo结束了监狱生活,他花费了大量的时间思考他的人生。经过再三思考,他发现生活变得没有他以前认为的那么有吸引力了。他现在已经回到家里,患有慢性胰腺炎。“我像老人一样生活”,他试图让生活重回正轨。 这涉及到面对他过去的恶魔:他是如何从一个敏感的男孩子变成了一个不知悔改的罪犯?这段痛苦的经历包括两姐妹的秘密,一个乱伦的过去。面对来自家庭档案中堆积如山的音频和薄膜材料,以及导演的提问,这对姐妹显然难以接受发生了什么事。Viggo写道,希望通过学习心理学,帮助自己进入人生一个新的阶段,成为一个成熟的人。另一方面,他通过网络电话依然和他的犯罪老搭档保持着联络。当他乘坐着小船在湖中漫无目的地的飘荡,谈论他的犯罪过去,他不得不承认,当时的生活更令人兴奋。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/id1124294761
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