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[Classics/Documentary] James Cameron's Deepsea Challenge (1080p HD) [深海挑战] |
![]() Genre: Documentary Released: 2014 © 2013 Wight Expedition Films Pty Ltd About the Movie James Cameron, the most successful filmmaker in the history of cinema now brings his greatest adventure to the screen. James Cameron is no ordinary man. Already the world's best known and most successful filmmaker, Cameron is also a passionate ocean explorer, driven by a lifelong dream to be the first man to dive solo to the bottom of the forbidding and mysterious Mariana Trench. As deep as Mount Everest with a lesser Alp stacked on top, the trench is the ultimate last frontier on Earth, and James Cameron was determined to make it there alive and back. DEEPSEA CHALLENGE follows the dramatic story of Cameron's personal odyssey as he undertakes an expedition of such historic proportion and risk that it has been compared to putting a man on the moon. DEEPSEA CHALLENGE will mesmerise viewers of all ages with the thrill of true discovery and the allure of the unknown, of new life forms, and of vistas never before captured on camera and all right here on planet Earth. 导演: 约翰·布鲁诺 / 雷蒙德·昆特 / 安德鲁·韦特 编剧: 约翰·加文 主演: 詹姆斯·卡梅隆 / 弗兰克·洛蒂托 / 拉克兰·伍兹 / 保罗·亨利 类型: 纪录片 / 冒险 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 / 日语 上映日期: 2015-02-12(中国大陆) / 2014-08-08(美国) 片长: 90分钟 剧情简介 电影记录了詹姆斯·卡梅隆驾驶单人深潜器“深海挑战者”号成功下潜至世界海洋的最深处――马里亚纳海沟的全过程。卡梅隆下潜的深度是35756英尺(约合10898米)——是全世界海洋无可比拟的深度极限。在这部纪录电影中,也讲述了研发深潜器背后的故事。在万米海底,卡梅隆停留了六个小时,用高清3D摄影机拍摄下来,而他为这次下潜热身的其他十几次潜水也将被剪进这部90分钟的3D纪录片里。 https://itunes.apple.com/au/movi ... allenge/id930578976
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