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[Action/Adventure] Mortal Kombat (1080p HD) [格斗之王] |
![]() Genre: Action & Adventure Released: 1995 © 1995 New Line Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. About the Movie For nine generations an evil sorcerer has been victorious in hand-to-hand battle against his mortal enemies. If he wins a tenth Mortal Kombat tournament, desolation and evil will reign over the multiverse forever. To save Earth, three warriors must overcome seemingly insurmountable odds, their own inner demons, and superhuman foes in this action/adventure movie based on one of the most popular video games of all time. Starring Christopher Lambert ("Highlander," "Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan"), Bridgette Wilson ("Shopgirl," "The Wedding Planner"), Linden Ashby ("Prom Night," "Resident Evil: Extinction"), Robin Shou ("Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li," "Death Race") and Talisa Soto ("Don Juan DeMarco," "License to Kill"). Directed by Paul Anderson ("AVP: Alien vs. Predator," "Death Race"). 导演: 保罗·安德森 编剧: Ed Boon / John Tobias / Kevin Droney 主演: 克里斯多弗·兰伯特 / 仇云波 / 林登·阿什比 / 布里吉特·威尔逊 / 田川洋行 / 更多... 类型: 动作 / 科幻 / 惊悚 / 奇幻 / 冒险 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 1995-07-13 片长: 101 分钟 剧情简介 位于天地边沿的魔界向人类挑战,若这次人界落败,邪魔立即统治人类世界,沦入万劫不复之地。为了迎接这项挑战,保卫人界的雷电之神派出三名正义勇士迎战,起初还能轻易打败大魔神的邪魔武士,但当大魔神制造幻像,三人旋即陷入困境,幸得魔界公主相助方能击败魔头,人界才能得以见天日。 根据著名同名正宗美式血腥格斗游戏改编的电影大作!这个游戏在大陆被称作《真人快打》,又名《究极神拳》《龙争虎斗》。 说起电玩改编电影,就不能不提起《魔宫帝国》。这部影片在1995年推出,以魔幻世界、东方武术和电脑特效作卖点,上映后大受欢迎,所取得的7千多万美元票房,更让她在电玩改编电影排行榜上高居榜首之位达6年之久。《魔》电影版改编自1992推出的同名电玩,与《街头霸王》一样吃重於格斗的场面,不过剧中主角的设计安排就与电玩中的角色颇相似,这点就较讨好电玩迷们。《魔》电影版以2千多万美元成本拍摄,在全球推出后创下卖座佳绩,便紧接开拍续集。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/mortal-kombat/id422064240
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