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[Comedy/Holiday] Charlie Bartlett (1080p HD) [查理·巴特利] |
![]() Genre: Comedy Released: 2008 © 2007 Kimmel Distribution, LLC. All rights reserved. About the Movie Wealthy teenager Charlie Bartlett (Anton Yelchin) is failing miserably at fitting in at a new public high school run by the world-weary Principal Gardner (Robert Downey, Jr.). As he begins to better understand the social hierarchy, Charlie's honest charm and likeability positions him as the resident "psychiatrist" dishing out advice, and the occasional prescription, to his fellow students in need. Along the way, he decides to take some of his own advice, thus wielding a witty dark comedy about the angst-filled years before college. 导演: Jon Poll 编剧: Gustin Nash 主演: 安东·叶利钦 / 小罗伯特·唐尼 / 霍普·戴维斯 / 凯特·戴琳斯 / 泰勒·希尔顿 类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2007-05-01 片长: 97 分钟 剧情简介 富家小子查理·巴特利(安东·叶利钦 Anton Yelchin 饰)同时是一位点子奇多的中学生,因此履出状况的他常常被各个私立学校拒绝甚至开除,迫于无奈,父母只好让查理进入一所鱼龙混杂的公立学校念书。初来乍到的查理难免被学校里的小霸王欺负得鼻青脸肿,然而很快,鬼马的查理就为自己的小聪明找到了的用武之地。当发现身边的很多同学都需要找人倾诉和寻求开导时,查理摇身变作校园里的心理咨询师,在男生寝室门口挂起了自己的小招牌,专门倾听同学们的苦恼,并给出意见甚至是草率地开起了药房。这个小小心理师的角色不仅给查理创造了一笔不小的财富,也让他成了新学校的宠儿。然而,看似单纯的校园生活可并非想象中那么简单,查理的“小生意”是否一帆风顺,又会有什么麻烦等着他呢? https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/charlie-bartlett/id283824930
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