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[Thriller/Horror] Two Step (1080p HD) [两步]

发表于 2016-12-1 05:45:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Genre: Thriller
© 2015 Traverse Media
About the Movie
James (Skyy Moore) has lost his parents and been kicked out of college. With nowhere else to turn, he retreats to his beloved grandmother, only to watch her pass away. His luck continues its tailspin when he gets mixed up with Webb (James Landry Hebert), a malicious con artist who’s been preying on local seniors. James may have been taken under the wing of a benevolent, straight-shooting neighbor (Beth Broderick), but not even a garrison of guardian angels could ward off Webb, who has a deadly problem of his own: Duane (Jason Douglas), a crime lord who has just delivered an ultimatum that forces Webb to take violent action.
导演:Alex R. Johnson
主演:Beth Broderick、James Landry Hébert、Skyy Moore、Jason Douglas、Ashley Rae Spillers、Barry Tubb
制片:Paul Biedrzycki、Pat Cassidy、Charles Mulford
编剧:Alex R. Johnson
摄影:Andy Lilien
剪辑:Benjamin Moses Smith
音乐:Andrew Kenny
制片国家/地区: 美国
上映日期: 2014
片长: 95分钟
      失去双亲的James(Skyy Moore饰)在学校里也备受排挤,他回到奥斯汀祖母的家中,却只见到她最后一面。他的坏运气并未至此结束:他遇到了靠诈骗老年人为生的坏家伙——Webb(James Landry Hebert饰)。性格正直的好心邻居也无法将他从那个恶棍手中拯救出来。而Webb的死对头、黑道头目Duane的出现令状况变得更为复杂……
影片本身兼具《血迷宫》(Blood Simple)与《都市浪人》(Slacker)的风格,而导演Alex R. Johnson在这部惊悚片中转变了叙事视角,他对谷仓舞与酒吧中的争吵的处理均令人印象深刻。

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