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[Comedy/Holiday] Roll Bounce (1080p HD) [冰上迪斯科] |
![]() Genre: Comedy Released: 2005 © 2005 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation About the Movie It’s the summer of ’78 and if you’re looking for good times there is just one place to go: the local roller disco, where the music is hot, the girls are hotter, and the entire atmosphere is dynamite. Xavier Smith (Bow Wow), also known as X, is a young roller wiz who, along with his crew, once ruled supreme at their South Side of Chicago rink, the Palisades Gardens. But when the doors of their favorite hangout close, it marks the end of an era and the beginning of another that sees the boys venturing into completely foreign territory: the North Side’s swanky Sweetwater Roller Rink, with its sleek, well-to-do roller-boys and gorgeous girls in short-shorts. For X and his friends, Sweetwater is a brave new world that gives way to an impossible dream: to win the rink’s annual Roller Jam Skate-Off. 导演: Malcolm D. Lee 主演: Bow Wow / Brandon T. Jackson / Marcus T. Paulk 类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情 / 音乐 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2005-09-23 片长: 112 分钟 剧情简介 一群以X(利尔·鲍·沃)为首的年轻人酷爱滚轴溜冰(旱冰)运动,当地的冰场就是他们的天堂。在那里,可以无拘无束地体验青春和梦想的快感,发泄成长中的不满和愤怒。但很快,溜冰场就因为经营不善关闭了。X和伙伴们震惊的同时,也悄悄地谋划着一场冒险旅程。贫穷的男孩们来到异地的一个住宅区,但住宅区里有另一群飞扬跋扈的溜冰顶尖高手,他们终日在女孩们的追随中享受着被崇拜的美妙滋味。好景不长,外来的X和朋友们很快凭着自己的技艺赢得了更多注视的目光。起初X对高手们的挑衅还保持忍让,可青春的血液里注定埋藏了叛逆、自负的不安分因子。两帮男孩一触即发,开始为尊严和爱情而战。结果两败俱伤,X终于明白父亲对自己的爱,青春在潇洒的舞步中长大,一群男孩又回到了正常的人生轨迹上。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/roll-bounce/id273935331
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