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[Thriller/Horror] The Eleventh Victim (1080p HD) [第十一个受害人]

发表于 2016-12-1 14:00:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Genre: Thriller
Released: 2013
© 2012 Eleventh Films Inc. All Rights Reserved
About the Film
It’s been two years since Atlanta State Prosecutor Hailey Dean helped to lock up serial killer Clinton Burrell Cruise. Chasing a new career as a therapist in New York City, Hailey thinks she’s put the past behind her. But as sure as Cruise’s promise to send her to hell, Hailey’s past returns like a nightmare. Her patients are being killed, one by one, each with Cruise’s same sadistic M.O. Now she fears that either Cruise is back with a vengeance, or a copycat killer with an unimaginable motive is marking time before he closes in on his ultimate victim... Unless Hailey gets him first.
导演: Mike Rohl
编剧: John Fasano
主演: Ron Artest / Colin Cunningham / Priscilla Faia
类型: 惊悚
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
  尼·加斯(Jennie Garth)在和她丈夫皮特·费辛利(Peter Facinelli)离婚后做的第一件非同寻常的事就是在根据南希·格蕾丝(Nancy Grace)小说改编的电影《第十一个受害人》(The Eleventh Victim)中饰演一位助理检察官。
  影片中,科林·坎宁安(Colin Cunningham)所饰演克林顿·伯勒尔(Clinton Burrell)是一位连环杀手,而他在法庭上还对对他提起诉讼的助理检察官--由加斯(Garth)饰演的海莉·迪安(Hailey Dean)进行人身攻击。袭击发生后,海莉(Hailey)搬到纽约并成为一名治疗学家。但在她的数位病人相继被以伯勒尔相同作案手法杀死之后,她和侦探加兰·芬奇(Garlan Fincher)决定同心协力抓住这个凶手。洛杉矶湖人队的篮球明星慈世平(Metta World Peace)将首次出现在电影银幕中,而他将饰演的角色正是侦探芬奇(Fincher)。
  本部小说的粉丝们可能会对此电影感到诧异,因为电影中的情节与书中大所不同。格蕾丝(Grace)告诉纽约邮报(New York Post)的记者,这个改变是根据她在亚特兰大工作时见过的一些人而做下的决定:“一切都是由整部书的精神而起,然而一些细节的修改只是为了更好的适应电视情节的发展...我曾被詹尼·加斯(Jennie Garth)的演技所震撼,当我们还在寻找感觉的时候她就已经入戏了。她已经非常得专业,甜美和优雅了。”
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