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[Drama/Independent] Ploy (1080p HD) [密谈] |
![]() Genre: Drama Released: 2016 About the Movie Every relationship has an expiration date. Every relationship needs its fantasies...some more real than others... A violent death of a relative brings Wit and his wife, Dang, back to Bangkok from America, where they own a Thai restaurant, for the first time in 7 years. As soon as they arrive in Bangkok at 5.30 am. Wit and Dang check into a five-star hotel downtown. Wit finds out that he is out of cigarettes once they are inside the room. He goes down to the lobby bar. After getting his pack of cigarette from the bartender Wit decides to order a cup of coffee and smoke his cigarette there. The girl from the table in the dark corner comes to Wit to ask if she could borrow his lighter. Wit hands her his lighter. Then she asks if she could borrow one cigarette too. 导演: 彭力·云旦拿域安 编剧: 彭力·云旦拿域安 Pen-Ek Ratanaruang 主演: 阿南达·爱华灵咸 / Lalita Panyopas / 阿萍雅·萨库尔·加伦苏 / Porntip Papanai / Thaksakorn Pradapphongsa / 更多... 类型: 剧情 制片国家/地区: 泰国 语言: 泰语 上映日期: 2007-06-07 片长: 105 分钟 剧情简介 一对中年夫妻从美国坐飞机回到曼谷,清晨他们住进一家宾馆。妻子(拉莉塔•潘尤帕斯饰)脸上写满疲惫想要好好休息,丈夫(波乌•萨拉辛饰)下楼买烟,碰见留着爆炸头的可爱女孩Ploy(阿平亚•萨库加罗恩苏饰),她在等她妈妈。一番闲聊,他做出一个惊人决定,决定带这名女孩去房间休息,因为她还要等上好几个小时。先前对丈夫起了疑心的妻子,对女孩的出现大有怨言,最终一番争执,妻子离开,在酒吧遇上了仰慕者。在他们房间的另一边,一对神秘古怪的男女在偷欢,一方是宾馆服务员,一方是酒吧招待生,他们不需要任何言语地享受着对方的身体。它似乎是Ploy的梦,又似乎是真实发生…… 第2届亚洲电影大奖 (2008) 最佳女配角(提名) 阿萍雅·萨库尔·加伦苏 最佳摄影(提名) Chankit Chamnivikaipong https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/ploy/id1081539705
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