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[Music Concerts/Documentaries] Touch the Wall (1080p HD) [女版菲尔普斯] |
![]() Genre: Documentary Released: 2014 About the Movie Swimming phenom and multiple Olympic Gold Medalist Missy Franklin was destined for greatness at an early age, but destiny can be a burden. When 4-time Olympic Silver medalist Kara Lynn Joyce joined Missy’s teenage swim club, destiny started to become reality. In Kara, Missy finds the older sister she never had; in Missy, Kara begins to rediscover the mojo that made her one of the fiercest sprinters in the sport. Together they train, compete, and support each other as they reach for the highest pantheon of swimming – the London 2012 Olympic games. But as tension with their coach builds, the pool becomes too big for the two of them. Driven apart by coach and circumstance, they reunite triumphantly in London, and Missy becomes one of athletics biggest stars. Touch the Wall is a tale of adversity, triumph, and the friendship between two strong women. Not just a movie for swimmers, Touch the Wall is a universal story of grace and love in the rarified world of elite athletic competition. Together, Missy and Kara redefine what it means to win. 剧情简介 关于泳坛天才少女蜜茜·富兰克林(Missy Franklin)的纪录片,她生于美国加州,外号「女版菲尔普斯」,从六个月大开始就学习泳术。 她在2010年世界短道游泳锦标赛中夺得2面银牌,2011年世界游泳锦标赛中则夺得6面奖牌(4金、1银、1铜),并在2012年夏季奥林匹克运动会中名扬四海。在100公尺仰泳中,她以58.85秒刷新偶像Natalie Coughlin的美国国家纪录(58.94秒)并获得金牌;200公尺仰泳中,蜜茜更是创下新的世界纪录2分04秒06。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/touch-the-wall/id1098561265
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