本帖最后由 jason 于 2017-6-16 20:29 编辑 
Album two sees Mike Kerr and Ben Thatcher double down on what powered their 2014 debut to success. Namely: unapologetically huge riffs (we still have little idea how Kerr shreds so ferociously with just a bass) and a taste for the theatrical. This is a muscular 10-track workout that blows by: “I Only Lie When I Love You” is the sort of spiky anti-love anthem Royal Blood are getting particularly excellent at, “She’s Creeping” struts on through like peak Queens of the Stone Age and “Hook, Line and Sinker” is a monster built to decimate festival fields.
Genres: Alternative , Music
Released: 16 Jun 2017
Track List:
1. How Did We Get So Dark?
2. Lights Out
3. I Only Lie When I Love You
4. She’s Creeping
5. Look Like You Know
6. Where Are You Now?
7. Don’t Tell
8. Hook, Line & Sinker
9. Hole in Your Heart
10. Sleep
https://itunes.apple.com/gb/albu ... o-dark/id1222707104