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[Musicals/Music Feature Films] Hans Christian Andersen (1080p HD) [安徒生传]

发表于 2017-8-10 04:58:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Genre: Musicals
Released: 1952
© 1952 Samuel Goldwyn Productions. Inc. All Rights Reserved.
About the Movie
In the story, Hans Christian Andersen, a shoemaker, is booted out of his own village by the Town Council at the request of the local schoolmaster, who would rather the children of the village attend school than listen to Hans's fairy tales. Not wishing Hans to undergo any humiliation, his apprentice Peter convinces him to go to Copenhagen, before Hans can find out what the Town Council has decided. Peter goes with him. In the final scene, we see the now celebrated Hans, surrounded by the children and all the adults (including the schoolmaster) , having even more success than before telling stories.
导演: 查尔斯 维多 (Charles Vidor)
编剧: 本 赫特 (Ben Hecht) / 莫斯 哈特 (Moss Hart) / Myles Connolly (I)
主演: 丹尼·凯耶
类型: 爱情 / 歌舞 / 家庭 / 传记
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 1952-11-25
片长: 112 分钟
  制片人高德温一直为《安徒生传》著迷。十五年来他不断宣布要制作这部电影,但被一次次的推辞(贾利·古柏曾被选作男主角)。高德温花高价找人编了十六份剧本,从中挑出一份喜欢的,以17.5万美元的片酬请凯演出。凯答应后电影开拍。至於芭蕾舞女演员一角,高德温想请英国舞蹈演员Moira Shearer出演,因为她刚拍完迈克·鲍威尔的《红菱艳》(1948年)。这个故事也是从安徒生童话改编的。Shearer答应出演,但她因怀孕不得不退出,由法国舞蹈演员瑞尼· 珍迈尔代替。
第25届奥斯卡金像奖  (1953)
彩色片最佳摄影(提名) Harry Stradling Sr.
最佳录音(提名) Gordon Sawyer
彩色片最佳艺术指导和布景(提名) Howard Bristol / Clavé / 理查德·戴
彩色片最佳服装设计(提名) Mary Wills / Clavé / Barbara Karinska
歌舞片最佳配乐(提名) Walter Scharf
最佳原创歌曲(提名) 弗兰克·罗瑟
https://itunes.apple.com/us/movi ... ndersen/id611093323
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