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[Drama/Independent] Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter… and Spring (1080p HD) [春夏秋冬又一春] |
![]() Genre: Drama Released: 2004 © 2003 2004 Korea Pictures, LJ Film Co. Ltd. and Pandora Filmproduktion GmbH. All Rights Reserved. About the Movie From acclaimed Korean writer/director Kim Ki-Duk comes this exquisitely beautiful and award-winning human drama set on a tree-lined lake where a tiny Buddhist monastery floats on a raft. Under the vigilant eye of Old Monk (Yeong-su Oh), Child Monk learns a hard lesson about the nature of sorrow when some of his childish games turn cruel. In the intensity and lushness of summer, the monk, now a young man (Young-min Kim), experiences the power of lust, a desire that will ultimately lead him to dark deeds. With winter, the man atones for his past actions, and spring starts the cycle anew. With an extraordinary attention to visual detail, Kim has crafted an original yet universal story about the human spirit, moving from innocence, through love and evil, to enlightenment and finally rebirth. TOMATOMETER 95% ![]() 导演: 金基德 编剧: 金基德 主演: 吴永洙 / 金基德 / 金英民 / 徐在京 / 何丽珍 类型: 剧情 制片国家/地区: 韩国 / 德国 语言: 韩语 上映日期: 2003-08-14(洛迦诺电影节) / 2003-09-19(韩国) 片长: 103 分钟 剧情简介 春天,贪玩的童僧拿着石头,绑在鱼、青蛙和蛇身上,捉弄着小生灵们。老僧(吴永洙饰)发现后,用同样的手法惩罚他,告诫他不可胡来。 夏天,十七岁的少僧(金永敏饰)为久居深山的修行日子苦闷不已。有一天,一名患病少女(何丽珍饰)在母亲陪同下,来到寺庙拜佛求平安,并留下疗养。少年开始忍受不住异性相吸所带来的诱惑…… 秋天,青年在外面杀人后重返寺庙,请求谅解。老僧命其刻写心经,去掉罪孽,同时,追捕逃犯的警察也赶到寺庙…… 冬天,服完刑期的中年男子(金基德饰)回到山中寺庙,重新开始修行苦练。一名妇女突然探访寺庙,并留下了一个男婴,希望能被收留。 之后,又一个春天到来。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movi ... -spring/id521030521
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