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[Comedy/Holiday] Stir Crazy (1080p HD) [油腔滑调] |
![]() Genre: Comedy Released: 1999 © 1980 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved. About the Movie One of the looniest pictures to come along in some time! Stir Crazy teams two of the most brilliant and zany comic performers today: Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder. Skip (Wilder) and Harry (Pryor) have both been fired from their jobs, so they take off in their van for California to seek fame and fortune, but somewhere along the way the van conks out and they're broke and...well, they have to eat, right? So they land a gig as singing and dancing woodpeckers to promote a bank opening. When two bank robbers steal their costumes and stick up the bank, guess who gets the blame? Skip and Harry are carted off to the state pen for 125 years. They try to keep their sanity and their lives amidst: a sadistic warden, a hulking mass-murderer and an inter-prison rodeo - all with great hilarity. 导演: Sidney Poitier 编剧: 布鲁斯·杰·弗里德曼 主演: Gene Wilder / Richard Pryor / Georg Stanford Brown 类型: 喜剧 / 犯罪 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 1980-12-12 片长: 111 分钟 剧情简介 美国7、80年代最著名的一对黑白喜剧搭档金怀尔德和里查普赖尔合作的经典喜剧。黑人影星希德尼-波蒂埃担任导演,但从本片来看,其导演水平比张艺谋要强过不少。 此片看点是金-怀德的表演,他是1980年代最受观众欣赏的美国喜剧演员之一;本片与他搭档的黑人演员理查-普莱尔也相当了得,两人此前合作过的《三上银色快车》相信大多数中国观众都十分熟悉,本片两人二度合作,化学作用更是了得,只可惜90年代两人的第三、四次合作都成绩平平。 影片讲述两个小人物被错当成银行抢劫犯投入狱中,又通过一场监狱牛仔比赛成功逃脱的故事,依靠将人物置入本不属于他们的环境的手法来制造笑料,再加上层层推进的脱狱过程,具有相当的可看性。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/stir-crazy/id296072885
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