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[Drama/Independent] A Taxi Driver (1080p HD) [我只是个计程车司机] |
![]() Genre: Drama Released: 2017 © 2017 SHOWBOX AND THE LAMP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. About the Movie In this powerful true story set in 1980, a down-on-his-luck taxi driver from Seoul is hired by a foreign journalist who wants to go to the town of Gwangju for the day. They arrive to find a city under siege by the military government, with the citizens, led by a determined group of college students, rising up to demand freedom. What began as an easy fare becomes a life-or-death struggle in the midst of the Gwangju Uprising, a critical event in modern South Korea. TOMATOMETER 95% ![]() 导演: 張勳 编剧: 嚴宥娜 主演: 宋康昊 / 湯瑪斯·柯瑞奇曼 / 柳海真 / 柳俊烈 类型: 剧情 制片国家/地区: 韩国 语言: 英语 / 韓語 / 德語 上映日期: 2017年8月2日 片长: 137分钟 剧情简介 由真人真事改编,描述1980年5月光州民主化运动中,全斗焕下令武力镇压,造成平民和学生严重死伤;一名德国记者获一名计程车司机接应,闯入封锁线,拍摄到当地的真实片段,因而把光州事件的真相曝光,《计程车司机》正是根据这段故事改编而成。 在影片中,计程车司机金万燮是一名独立扶养女儿的单亲好爸爸,经济状况非常困窘。他从影片一开始对学运毫无好感,为了赚钱才接下载外国记者到光州的案子,不料一路上碰到各种意料之外的险境,他们一起历经了九死一生的劫难才回到首尔。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/a-taxi-driver/id1295523836
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