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[Action/Adventure] 艋舺 (1080p HD) [Monga] |
![]() 导演: 钮承泽 编剧: 钮承泽 / 曾莉婷 主演: 赵又廷 / 阮经天 / 凤小岳 / 黄镫辉 / 陈汉典 / 更多... 类型: 剧情 制片国家/地区: 台湾 语言: 闽南语 / 汉语普通话 上映日期: 2010-02-05 片长: 140 分钟 剧情简介 蚊子(赵又廷 饰)17岁那年搬到艋舺,因为一根鸡腿踏入了黑道,认识了和尚(阮经天 饰)、志龙、阿伯还有白猴四个好兄弟,五人结为太子帮。太子帮秉持只识意气,不问意义的精神,凭借志龙的父亲Geta(马如龙 饰)的黑道地位在学校呼风唤雨。踏入黑道就意味着要经历腥风血雨,然而和尚作为众人的守护神总能帮他们化解危机。艋舺传统的黑道秩序遭受着现代文明的威胁,外省人灰狼(钮承泽 饰)要求和艋舺的老大们合作遭到拒绝。此时,和尚由于得知父辈们之间的事情对Geta心怀不满,加之文谦的怂恿而卷入一场阴谋。艋舺局势暗潮汹涌、杀机四伏,五兄弟在黑道与友情的决择中,演绎了一段关于青春的悲情故事。 第47届台北金马影展 (2010) 金马奖 最佳男主角 阮经天 金马奖 最佳美术设计(提名) 黄美清 / 陈柏任 金马奖 最佳原创配乐(提名) 陈珊妮 金马奖 最佳音效 杜笃之 第30届香港电影金像奖 (2011) 最佳亚洲电影(提名) 第5届亚洲电影大奖 (2011) 我最喜爱的男女主角 我最喜爱的男主角(提名) 阮经天 最佳男主角(提名) 阮经天 最佳新演员 赵又廷 最佳摄影(提名) 包轩鸣 最佳原创音乐(提名) 陈珊妮 最佳美术指导(提名) 黄美清 / 陈柏任 第11届华语电影传媒大奖 (2011) 百家传媒年度致敬电影(提名) 最佳电影(提名) 最佳导演(提名) 钮承泽 最佳男配角 马如龙 最佳新导演 钮承泽 最佳新演员(提名) 赵又廷 Genre: Action & Adventure Released: 2010 © 2010 Green Day Film CO. LTD. About the Movie Mosquito and his fellows learned, in the streets of Monga, there is only one way to survive: be stronger than your enemies. Mosquito, Monk, Dragon, White Monkey and A-Lan, five teenagers joined “Prince Gang”, simple because Mosquito’s lunch was snatched on his first day transferred to the high school in Monga, and they are all tired of being bullied. While thy enjoyed their young gangster lifestyle and ready to take over the streets, the powerful others have casted greedy eyes on the prosperous Monga. The kids just knew nothing about it. Geta, the boss of one of the gangs in Monga, takes the responsibilities of explaining to the young gangsters the legacy that has been established by the founders of Monga, the fighting for resources and honors and the meaning of brotherhood. What Geta didn’t know about, was the storm that was going to destroy all the orders remaining and the last glory of the Old Town Monga. The other gang, the flooding firearms, and new settlements between new forces were going to change his and the Prince Gang’s nice little world. https://itunes.apple.com/la/movie/monga/id989570211
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