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[Drama/Independent] Like Someone In Love (1080p HD) [如沐爱河] |
![]() Genre: Drama Released: 2013 © 2012 MK2 - Eurospace About the Movie Fresh from the triumph of his Tuscany-set Certified Copy (NYFF 2010), master filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami travels even further afield from his native Iran for this mysteriously beautiful romantic drama filmed entirely in Japan. Like Someone in Love revolves around the brief encounter between an elderly professor (the wonderful 81-year-old stage actor Tadashi Okuno, here playing his first leading role in a film) and a sociology student (Rin Takanashi) who moonlights as a high-end escort. Dispatched to the old man by her boss— one of the professor’s former students— the young woman finds her latest client less interested in sex than in cooking her soup, talking, and playing old Ella Fitzgerald records (like the one that gives the film its allusive title). Eventually, night gives way to day and a tense standoff with the student’s insanely jealous boyfriend (Ryō Kase); but as usual in Kiarostami, nothing is quite as it appears on the surface. Are these characters— who conjure in one another the specters of regret and roads not taken— meeting by chance, or is it fate? Is this love, or merely something like it? 导演: 阿巴斯·基亚罗斯塔米 编剧: 阿巴斯·基亚罗斯塔米 主演: 奥野匡 / 高梨临 / 加濑亮 / 绪方义博 / 森礼子 / 更多... 类型: 剧情 制片国家/地区: 法国 / 日本 语言: 日语 上映日期: 2012-05-21(戛纳电影节) / 2012-09-15(日本) 片长: 109分钟 剧情简介 光怪陆离的国际大都会,日本东京。灯影暧昧的酒吧内,人们窃声交谈,笑语欢歌。酒吧一隅,穿着打扮与周遭格格不入的明子(高梨临 饰)面带焦虑。她是一名女大学生,为了学费而在声色场所出卖笑靥。此时此刻她正与多疑的男友(加濑亮 饰)在电话里纠缠。是日祖母突然来访,但明子犹豫不决是否该去车站看看老人。本就心情烦躁,加上店长(点点 饰)的工作安排更让她情绪失控。夜幕降临,失意的明子最终来至客人的住地。那是一位84岁的退休大学教授(奥野匡 饰),也许因为明子与亡妻容貌相似才让老人将女孩召唤至此。疲惫的女孩无暇享受老教授精心准备的美酒佳肴,简单交谈后便沉沉睡去,一夜无话。 次日,教授驱车送女孩回校,心与心的交流仿佛仍未停止…… 第65届戛纳电影节 (2012) 主竞赛单元 金棕榈奖(提名) 阿巴斯·基亚罗斯塔米 第7届亚洲电影大奖 (2013) 最佳导演(提名) 阿巴斯·基亚罗斯塔米 最佳男配角(提名) 加濑亮 最佳摄影(提名) 柳岛克己 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movi ... in-love/id867339082
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