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[Sci-Fi & Fantasy] Forbidden Planet (1080p HD) [禁忌星球] |
![]() Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy Released: 1956 © Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved. About the Movie A dutiful robot named Robby speaks 188 languages. An underground lair provides astonishing evidence of a populace a million years more advanced than Earthlings. There are many wonders on Altair-4, but none is greater or more deadly than the human mind. Forbidden Planet is the granddaddy of tomorrow, a pioneering work whose ideas and style would be reverse-engineered into many cinematic space voyages to come. Leslie Nielsen portrays the commander who brings his spacecruiser crew to the green-skied Altair-4 world that's home to Dr. Morbius (Walter Pidgeon), his daughter (Anne Francis), the remarkable Robby...and to a mysterious terror. Featuring sets of extraordinary scale and the first all- electronic musical soundscape in film history, Forbidden Planet is in a movie orbit all its own. TOMATOMETER 98% ![]() 导演: 弗雷德·威尔科克斯 编剧: 西里尔·休谟 主演: 沃尔特·皮金 / 安妮·弗朗西丝 / 莱斯利·尼尔森 / 沃伦·斯蒂文斯 / 杰克·凯利 类型: 科幻 / 悬疑 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 1956-03-15 片长: 98 分钟 剧情简介 本片是五十年代最著名的科幻片之一,讲述在2200年,太空人登录一个星球,发现那里只有劫后余生的医生和他的女儿。当他们计划把两个人带回地球时,却被神秘的怪物攻击,于是他们为了生存与怪兽进行了一场殊死的搏杀。导演弗雷德 M. 威尔科克斯制造出复杂玄妙的未来世界,比轰动一时的《星球大战》早先了二十年 第29届奥斯卡金像奖 (1957) 最佳特效(提名) Irving G. Ries / 韦斯利·C·米勒 / A. Arnold Gillespie https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/forbidden-planet/id289899327
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