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[Sci-Fi & Fantasy] Stargate: Children of the Gods (SD) [星际之门: 众神之子] |
![]() Studio: MGM Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy Released: 2009 Copyright: © 1997 MGM Television Entertainment Inc. Languages Primary: English (Stereo, Dolby 5.1) Accessibility CC: Closed captions refer to subtitles in the available language with addition of relevant nondialogue information. About the Movie Col. Jack O'Neill retired from the military a year ago. Just before he left the service, he led an expedition through the stargate, an ancient portal that allows instantaneous travel to other galaxies. He is called back to duty by Gen. Hammond when a group of aliens emerge from the stargate, kill the soldiers guarding it, and kidnap a female guard. After seeing the aftermath of the alien attack and the strange bodies they left behind, O'Neill confesses that he defied the order to destroy Abydos, the world he visited via the stargate. He reveals that Dr. Daniel Jackson, the scientist who was thought to have died on that mission, is alive and living on Abydos. It is also clear that these aliens are not from Abydos. O'Neill is reunited with his old comrades Kawalsky and Ferretti and joined by Capt. Samantha Carter, an astrophysicist. SG-1 returns through the Stargate to Abydos. They discover that Jackson has taken an Abydonian wife, the beautiful Sha're, and that Skaara, the young Abydonian boy whom O'Neill cherishes like a son, has grown into a fine young man. They also see Jackson's latest discovery: a giant cartouche covered in hieroglyphics that seems to be a map of many stargates throughout the galaxy. As they marvel, however, the aliens, led by the handsome but evil Apophis, are making use of a similar map. They emerge from the Stargate on Abydos, and, after a brief battle, kidnap Sha're and Skaara. Ferretti, who was wounded in the firefight with the aliens, has seen the hieroglyphic code that indicates the aliens' destination. O'Neill and Jackson are determined to follow the aliens and to save their loved ones. With a troop of soldiers from Earth in tow, they track the aliens to the planet Chulak. There they discover that Sha're is now Apophis' queen; her body has been taken over by a hideous snake-like creature, one of a species known as the Goa'uld, who rule this planet and collect life-forms from around the galaxy to use as hosts. Jackson and O'Neill know that they can't save Sha're — but can they save themselves and Skaara before they're killed by the Goa'uld's guards and before Gen. Hammond sends a nuclear weapon through the stargate to destroy the planet? 导演: Mario Azzopardi 编剧: Jonathan Glassner / Brad Wright 主演: Richard Dean Anderson 类型: 科幻 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2009 片长: 92分钟 剧情简介 自从 O'Neill 上校和考古学家 Daniel 帮助 Abydos 人打败 Ra 之后,星门一直没再用过。这一天,星门突然被接通,一群穿着黄金甲、带着毒蛇面具的外星人冲了进来,激战之后,其中之一被击毙,离开时他们抓走了一名女兵。 星门计划重新启动,Hammond 将军紧急召回已退休的 O'Neill。因为被击毙的外星人腹部有一个类似育儿袋的器官,所用武器和 Ra 的手下相同,Hammond 怀疑 Abydos 的星门并非如报告所说毁于核爆炸。O'Neill 不得不说出了隐瞒的事实:Abydos 的星门并没有毁掉,Daniel 留在了那里...... 幕后 去年四月份定的这个项目,把SG-1的试播集(就是第一季的第1、2两集的合集)《众神之子》("Children of the Gods")进行大幅度翻新,具体说就是用现在的技术对其原始拍摄素材进行整体重新加工制作,使之成为与原版有所区别的、可作为一部全新的独立电影来观看的新版本。重制之后的新版称为"Children of the Gods——Final Cut"=《众神之子——终极剪辑版》,较之老版,新版的改变:加入最新的、更多的视觉特效;重新创作的配乐和乐谱;屏幕宽高比由原先的4:3改为时下主流的16:9;采用新的场景,以及一个新的、稍微不一样的片头;增加了一些原版中被删剪的镜头场景;Christopher Judge(Teal'c)的全新配音等等。 重制版DVD中包括一个7分钟花絮,展现了这个重制版的制作过程,还有一个评论音频,讲述者是SG系列的主创人 Brad Wright和主演Richard Dean Anderson(Jack O’Neill). https://itunes.apple.com/us/movi ... he-gods/id319839500
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