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[Anime] Pokémon the Movie: Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel (1080p HD) [宠物小精灵剧场版] |
![]() Pokémon the Movie: Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel (1080p HD) [宠物小精灵剧场版:波尔凯尼恩与机巧的玛机雅娜] Studio: ShoPro Genre: Anime Released: 2017 Copyright: © 2016 Pokémon. 1998-2016 PIKACHU PROJECT. TM and character names are trademarks of Nintendo Languages Primary: English (Stereo, Dolby 5.1) Accessibility CC: Closed captions refer to subtitles in the available language with addition of relevant nondialogue information. About the Movie Ash meets the Mythical Pokémon Volcanion when it crashes down from the sky, creating a cloud of dust—and a mysterious force binds the two of them together! Volcanion despises humans and tries to get away, but it’s forced to drag Ash along as it continues its rescue mission. They arrive in a city of cogs and gears, where a corrupt official has stolen the ultimate invention: the Artificial Pokémon Magearna, created 500 years ago. He plans to use its mysterious power to take control of this mechanical kingdom! Can Ash and Volcanion work together to rescue Magearna? One of the greatest battles in Pokémon history is about to unfold! 导演: 汤山邦彦 编剧: 富冈淳广 / 田尻智 主演: 松本梨香 / 大谷育江 / 牧口真幸 / 梶裕贵 / 伊濑茉莉也 / 更多... 类型: 动画 / 奇幻 / 冒险 制片国家/地区: 日本 语言: 日语 上映日期: 2017-11-11(中国大陆) / 2016-07-16(日本) 片长: 95分钟 剧情简介 小智和皮卡丘等一行伙伴在旅途中前行。某日,宝可梦波尔凯尼恩从天而降并被迫与小智锁在了一起。波尔凯尼恩与被人类伤害过的宝可梦们共同生活,因此非常讨厌人类,但这条神奇的锁链却让他们无法分开,奇妙的故事就此开始。小智与皮卡丘又将一起开始新的冒险…… 另一方面,在超级机关城市阿佐特王国,大臣贾维斯得到了常年追求的终极发明——500 年前诞生于阿佐特王国的人造宝可梦玛机雅娜。据说在玛机雅娜体内,有被称为 “魂心”的未知力量,贪婪又邪恶的贾维斯企图利用这股力量来统治王国。小智和波尔凯尼恩将会如何化解彼此的嫌隙?波尔凯尼恩与玛机雅娜又有着怎样的渊源?他们要如何共同对抗贾维斯拯救阿佐特王国?玛机雅娜的最终命运又将如何结局?一场精灵宝可梦史上最伟大的战役即将展开! https://itunes.apple.com/us/movi ... marvel/id1207501406
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