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[Drama/Independent] The Tree of Wooden Clogs (1080p HD) [木屐树] |
![]() Information Studio: The Criterion Collection Genre: Drama Released: 1978 Languages Primary: Italian (Stereo) About the Movie A painterly and sensual immersion in late nineteenth-century Italian farm life, Ermanno Olmi’s The Tree of Wooden Clogs lovingly focuses on four families working for one landowner on an isolated estate in the province of Bergamo. Filming on an abandoned farm for four months, Olmi adapted neorealist techniques to tell his story, enlisting local people to live as their own ancestors had, speaking in their native dialect on locations with which they were intimately familiar. Through the cycle of seasons, of backbreaking labor, love and marriage, birth and death, faith and superstition, Olmi naturalistically evokes an existence very close to nature, celebrating its beauty, humor, and simplicity but also acknowledging the feudal cruelty that governs it. Winner of the Palme d’Or at Cannes in 1978, The Tree of Wooden Clogs is intimate in scale but epic in scope—a towering, heart-stirring work of humanist filmmaking. TOMATOMETER 100% ![]() 导演: 埃曼诺·奥尔米 编剧: 埃曼诺·奥尔米 主演: Luigi Ornaghi / Francesca Moriggi / Omar Brignoli / Antonio Ferrari / Teresa Brescianini 类型: 剧情 / 历史 制片国家/地区: 意大利 语言: 意大利语 上映日期: 1978-09-21 片长: 186 分钟 剧情简介 本片描写了十九世纪末期,意大利北部贫穷困苦的农村中好几户农家生活的点滴,由很多个小故事组成。其中的一段叙述一位佃农的儿子去学校读书,对当时这个地方的人而言,读书是件很不容易的事情,家长不懂得受教育的意义与好处,不愿意送孩子去读书,神父多次劝告下家长方才这样做的。这些家庭还需要在生活上加倍省吃俭用来供这些孩子们读书。一个佃农的孩子在读书回来时,鞋子坏了,父亲就砍了一颗树,连夜制成了一双木鞋。地主知道了这事之后,就把这户佃农赶了出去。 影片讲述了3个农夫同在一个东家干活的故事,尤其要强调的是各个家庭成员与他们邻居的关系。意大利导演艾玛诺·欧密以其敏锐的能力把一些非专业演员安排在此片做主演,历时12个月。这部影片就影像风格来说几乎是一部纪录片,不同的只是由演员来表演,是生活流电影的名作。重现19世纪意大利佃农生活,优美动人。此片因其精彩的表演和感人的情节荣获1978年戛纳电影节最佳影片金棕榈大奖、1979年恺撒电影节最佳外语片奖等十多项国际性电影大奖。 第31届戛纳电影节 (1978) 主竞赛单元 金棕榈奖 埃曼诺·奥尔米 天主教人道精神奖 埃曼诺·奥尔米 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movi ... -clogs/id1192160831
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