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[Comedy/Holiday] First Men In the Moon (1080p HD) [最先登上月球的人] |
![]() Studio: Sony Pictures Genre: Comedy Released: 1964 Copyright: © 1964, renewed 1992 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Languages Primary: English (Stereo) Accessibility CC: Closed captions refer to subtitles in the available language with addition of relevant nondialogue information. About the Movie The film begins with a team of United Nations astronauts planning an upcoming moon mission. The astronauts are both confused and intrigued by a man (Edward Judd) who claims he, his fiancée and a scientist journeyed to the moon 65 years ago and were attacked by "Selenites," grotesque, human-like ant forms that live in immense crystal caverns. Now it's up to the U.N. team to attempt a lunar landing that could be more horrifying than ever believed possible. Directed by Nathan Juran (Attack of the 50-Foot Woman), 'First Men In the Moon' also stars Martha Hyer and Lionel Jeffries. TOMATOMETER 75% ![]() 导演: 纳森·朱兰 编剧: 奈杰尔·尼尔 / Jan Read 主演: 彼得·芬奇 / 诺曼·伯德 / 保罗·卡彭特 类型: 科幻 / 冒险 制片国家/地区: 英国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 1964-11-25 片长: 103 分钟 剧情简介 这出1964年的经典幻想片,是根据作家H.G. Well的作品改编而成,将他幻想中的月球探险记,栩栩如生搬上大银幕。片中描写1964年时,一群集结顶尖航天员的太空小队登陆月球了,他们深信自己是登上月球的首批先锋,全世界也为之欢欣鼓舞。但是不久后,欢呼变成了讶异,航天员发现了一面破旧的英国国旗,以及一份文件,文件中声明月球已被维多莉亚女王所征服!此事震惊了地球上所有的科学家,正当大家陷入迷惑之际,一位90余岁的老人亚诺(爱德华贾德 饰)出面说明了一切……1899年时,亚诺巧遇一名古怪的科学家乔瑟夫,他发明了一种可以抵抗地心引力的浆糊,并自制了一艘宇宙飞船,于是他说服亚诺带着女友凯瑟琳(马莎海儿 饰),三人一同前往月球。当他们成功踏上月球表面后,遇上了恐怖的外星居民,这些像蚂蚁、又像蜜蜂的居民,由皇后、士兵与工仆所组成,牠们对这群地球访客心怀不轨……这三个月球先锋最后是如何逃出月球的呢?此片是导演纳森朱兰、与特效大师雷哈利韩森再次携手的惊人之作,创造出一个令人瞠目结舌、过目难忘的月球世界! https://itunes.apple.com/us/movi ... he-moon/id292744490
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