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[Drama/Independent] Some Freaks (1080p HD) [一些怪人] |
![]() Studio: Cinedigm Genre: Drama Released: 2016 Copyright: © 2016 Half Jack Productions, LLC Languages Primary: English (Stereo, Dolby 5.1) Accessibility CC: Closed captions refer to subtitles in the available language with addition of relevant nondialogue information. About the Movie Some Freaks follows one-eyed high school senior Matt (Thomas Mann) who meets plus size Jill (Lily Mae Harrington) and falls more in love than he ever thought possible. However, when graduation comes and Jill moves cross-country to go to college, she undergoes a major physical transformation - much to Matt's surprise when he arrives to visit her. While Matt struggles to accept Jill's new look, Jill begins to question whether Matt is really the man she thought she knew. As the distance widens between them, the characters are forced to confront who they are, who they were, and who everyone thinks they're supposed to be. TOMATOMETER 92% ![]() 导演: 伊恩·麦卡利斯特·麦克唐纳 编剧: 伊恩·麦卡利斯特·麦克唐纳 主演: 托马斯·曼 / 马琳·爱尔兰 / 莉莉·梅·哈灵顿 / 拉奇兰·布坎南 / 伊利·亨利 / 更多... 类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2016-07-24(幻想曲国际电影节) / 2017-08-04(美国) 片长: 97分钟 剧情简介 在高中里,一位独眼男孩和一位120公斤的胖女孩在校园相遇,这两位“校园怪人”出人预料地陷入了爱河。毕业后,女孩去了远方上大学,居然还减肥成功。两人再度见面后,男孩对女孩的变化十分意外,他似乎难以接受女孩全新的形象,陷入了内心的挣扎之中;女孩也因此疑惑男孩究竟是不是她命中注定的爱人。随着两人的距离越来越远,更多的现实因素,逼迫他们认清各自现在与过去的模样,以及旁人的目光,是如何看待他们这群先天有缺陷的“怪人”。 这是一部风格独特的校园浪漫喜剧,既有反映社会现实冷酷的一面,也有温馨感人的镜头。该片参加了2017年的克利夫兰电影节、牛津电影节等。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/some-freaks/id1246001369
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