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[Drama/Independent] Disconnect (1080p HD) [断线] |
![]() Genre: Drama Released: 2013 © 2013 Disconnect LLC. Plot Summary A hard-working lawyer, attached to his cell phone, can't find the time to communicate with his family. A couple is drawn into a dangerous situation when their secrets are exposed online. A widowed ex-cop struggles to raise a mischievous son who cyber-bullies a classmate. An ambitious journalist sees a career-making story in a teen that performs on an adult-only site. They are strangers, neighbors and colleagues and their stories collide in this riveting dramatic thriller about ordinary people struggling to connect in today's wired world. 剧情简介 虚拟的社交网络连了线,真实的人际关系却断了线。聊天室的每句对话、脸书上的一张照片一条短片,背后隐藏着人渴望与人接触的欲望,但却分分钟带来不堪设想的后果。日理万机的大律师无暇与家人相处沟通,直到儿子出事才悔恨爱得太迟;一对婚姻枯燥无味的夫妇各自在网上寻求慰藉,但网络世界何来秘密;孤僻宅男网上会女神,原来一直被玩更误堕色欲陷阱;顽童网上欺凌同学,乐极生悲;女记者为爆独家猛料,故意接近未成年色情网男模,道德界线难划清。几条故事线纠缠交错,每个荡失于虚拟世界的主人翁,只是渴望找到与人真正的联系和沟通。 https://itunes.apple.com/au/movie/disconnect/id695478850
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