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[Action/Adventure] The Grandmaster (1080p HD) [一代宗师] |
![]() Genre: Action & Adventure Released: 2013 © 2013 Block 2 Pictures Inc. All Rights Reserved. Plot Summary Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Wong Kar Wai, THE GRANDMASTER is an epic action feature inspired by the life and times of the legendary Kung FU master, Ip Man who mentored Bruce Lee. The story spans the tumultuous Republican era that followed the fall of China’s last dynasty, a time of chaos, division and war that was also the golden age of Chinese martial arts. Filmed in a range of stunning locations that include the snow-swept landscapes of Northeast China and the subtropical South, THE GRANDMASTER features virtuoso performances by some of the greatest stars of contemporary Asian cinema, including Tony Leung and Ziyi Zhang. 剧情简介 广东佛山人叶问(梁朝伟 饰),年少时家境优渥,师从咏春拳第三代传人陈华顺学习拳法,师傅“一条腰带一口气”的告诫,支持他走过兵荒马乱、朝代更迭的混乱年代。妻子张永成(宋慧乔 饰)泼辣干练,二人夫唱妇随,琴瑟合璧。 1936年,佛山武术界乱云激荡。八卦拳宗师宫羽田(王庆祥 饰)年事已高,承诺隐退。其所担任的中华武士会会长职位,自然引起武林高手的关注与觊觎。包括宫羽田的独生女宫二(章子怡 饰)在内,白猿马三(张晋 饰)、关东之鬼丁连山(赵本山 饰)、咏春叶问等高手无不将目光聚焦在正气凛然的宫羽田身上。拳有南北,国有南北乎?最有德行之人才堪会长重任,然这浮世虚名却引得无数迷乱之人狂醉奔忙,浪掷残生。生逢乱世,儿女情长埋藏心底,被冷若寒冰的车轮碾作碎泥…… https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/the-grandmaster/id690261116
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