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[Comedy/Holiday] Hot Tub Time Machine (Unrated) (1080p HD) [热浴盆时光机 未分级] |
![]() Genre: Comedy Released: 2010 © 2010 UNITED ARTISTS PRODUCTION FINANCE LLC Plot Summary Get ready to kick some serious past with the wildly inappropriate UNRATED version of HOT TUB TIME MACHINE. The outrageous laughs bubble up when four friends share a crazy night of drinking in a ski resort hot tub, only to wake up with nasty hangovers in 1986 – back when girls wore leg warmers, guys watched Red Dawn and Michael Jackson was black! Now, nice-guy Adam (John Cusack), party animal Lou (Rob Corddry), married man Nick (Craig Robinson) and mega-nerd Jacob (Clark Duke) must relive a wild night of sex, drugs and rock ’n’ roll. And, with the help of a one-armed bellhop (Crispin Glover) and a mysterious repairman (Chevy Chase), these time tourists just might get lucky, survive the acid-wash ’80s and change their future—forever! 剧情简介 居住洛杉矶的亚当(约翰·库萨克 John Cusack 饰)刚被女友甩掉,他的单亲侄子雅各布(克拉克·杜克 Clark Duke 饰)一天到晚沉迷于电子游戏,赖在他家的地下室不走。亚当的老朋友尼克(克雷格·罗宾逊 Craig Robinson 饰)是个“妻管严”,工作亦不顺心;而另一位旧友卢(罗伯·考德瑞 Rob Corddry 饰)则酗酒无度,自杀未遂被送进医院。为了开导卢,亚当与尼克决定邀卢重游科迪亚克谷滑雪度假村,雅各布也同行。四人入住当年的酒店房间,在露台上的温泉浴盆里又喝又唱。次日宿醉醒来,却发现他们竟鬼使神差地回到了八十年代。担心因改变历史而消失的雅各布着力敦促三人回忆当年的历史行为,并照行不误;但这三位突然发现人生第二次机会的老友却各自心怀鬼胎。损坏了的热浴盆时光机究竟能否修好?未来是否会因为历史的改变而混乱不堪呢? https://itunes.apple.com/us/movi ... unrated/id374333837
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