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[Comedy/Holiday] Ocean's Thirteen (1080p HD) [十三罗汉] |
![]() Genre: Comedy Released: 2007 © 2007 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. Plot Summary Cinema icon Al Pacino joins a powerhouse cast headed by of George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Andy Garcia, Don Cheadle, Bernie Mac, and series newcomer Ellen Barkin for this, the third installment of director Steven Soderbergh's popular series of glitzy crime comedies. The only hotelier in Las Vegas who can claim that each and every one of his establishments has earned the Royal Review Board's Five Diamond Award, Willy Bank (Pacino) has made more than his share of enemies during his impressive ascent. While most of Bank's adversaries amount to little more than the occasional nuisance, however, this powerful player is about to find out that picking your enemies in Las Vegas can be a true gamble. In betraying Reuben Tishkoff (Elliott Gould), Bank has finally crossed the one man who could bring his entire empire crumbling to the ground — Danny Ocean (Clooney). Now Reuben is in critical condition, and Ocean is determined to strike back at the man who nearly murdered his mentor. Bank may have taken down one of the original Ocean's Eleven, but his efforts only managed to unite the remaining ten closer than ever before. As the opening of Bank's newest casino draws near, Danny and the crew set into motion a bold plan to humiliate the cocksure casino owner and forever tarnish his spotless reputation. It won't be easy, but if Ocean and his team can get their elaborate plan together in time for the opening of The Bank, they just might be able to deliver some serious Las Vegas justice. 剧情简介 人老心不老的鲁本•蒂什科夫(Elliott Gould 饰)拿出全部家当与威利•班克(阿尔•帕西诺 Al Pacino 饰)合伙经营赌场饭店。但他忘了,在拉斯韦加斯这个光怪陆离、骗盗横行的地方,防范之心是最不可或缺的。班克混迹赌城多年,奸诈手段让他在此如鱼得水。他骗尽鲁本的钱财,将赌场据为己有。老鲁本不堪如此沉重的打击,从此一病不起。 鲁本的遭遇激怒了他的好友丹尼•奥逊(乔治•克鲁尼 George Clooney 饰),在对威利劝说无效的情况下,他重新集结了包括罗斯蒂•雷恩(布莱德•彼特 Brad Pitt 饰)、莱纳斯•凯德维尔(马特•戴蒙 Matt Damon 饰)在内的十三位罗汉,准备对班克赌场进行入侵。7月3日午夜,班克赌场开业,这注定是一个不平凡的夜晚…… https://itunes.apple.com/gb/movie/oceans-thirteen/id271146782
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