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[Kids & Family] The Princess and the Frog (1080p HD) [公主与青蛙] |
![]() Genre: Kids & Family Released: 2009 © 2009 Disney Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved. nd download this movie. Plot Summary Set in New Orleans at the beginning of the 20th century, The Princess and the Frog concerns a poor African-American girl named Tiana who has a knack for cooking, and dreams of opening her own restaurant. Her best friend since childhood is a privileged white girl whose wealthy father employs Tiana's mother as a dressmaker. When the friend's family hosts a party for Prince Naveen of Maldonia, Dr. Facilier, an expert in black magic, turns the visiting royal into a frog. The now amphibious Naveen convinces Tiana that a kiss will reverse the spell, and if she obliges him he'll provide the money she needs to open her dream eatery. However, their smooch not only fails to turn him back into a human, but transforms Tiana into a frog as well. The duo then sets out to find a voodoo priestess who can set everything right. 剧情简介 蒂亚娜(Tiana)是个从不相信童话的女孩子,具有烹饪天赋的她最大的目标便是开一家属于自己的餐厅,多年来她一直努力赚钱,希望够自己的双手去实现梦想。可是就在她即将攒够钱的那天晚上,她遇到一只自称是王子马文(Naveen)的青蛙,他说自己是被影子人施了魔法并且许诺只要蒂亚娜吻他,那么他就可以帮蒂亚娜实现梦想。可是当蒂亚娜吻完青蛙,青蛙并没有变成马文王子,蒂亚娜却变成了一只青蛙。他们在躲避坏人的追赶时遇到喜欢演奏爵士乐的鳄鱼路易斯和荧火虫雷蒙,他们决定一起去密西西比河河口找女巫妈妈沃提帮忙。邪恶的影子人派出大批的影子杀手已经追上了这一行人,在紧要关头,妈妈沃提出现救了他们并且告诉了他们如果要变会人类,马文就必须去亲吻真正的公主夏洛特。可是此时马文在和蒂亚娜相处的过程中早已经爱上了这个执着的女孩子…… 本片无论从音乐和画面都融入大量新奥尔良元素,为影片创作音乐的兰迪·纽曼(Randy Newman)曾获奥斯卡奖,他本人就是新奥尔良人。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movi ... he-frog/id346327212
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