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[Drama/Independent] Cast Away (1080p HD) [荒岛余生] |
![]() Genre: Drama Released: 2002 © 2000 DreamWorks L.L.C. and Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Plot Summary Academy Award®-winning filmmaker Robert Zemeckis and two-time Oscar winner Tom Hanks reunite to explore the blessings and heartache of fate and the survival of the human spirit. Tom Hanks gives one of the towering screen performances of all time as Chuck Noland, a FedEx systems engineer whose ruled-by-the-clock existence abruptly ends when a harrowing plane crash leaves him isolated on a remote island. As Chuck struggles to survive, he finds that his own personal journey has only just begun... 剧情简介 查克(汤姆•汉克斯 Tom Hanks饰)任职于美国联邦快递,他系统工程师的职业决定了他的生活忙碌、自律、充满时间紧迫感。而查克总能把一切工作都井井有序的安排在每天的日程里,时间就在他的控制之下。他无暇顾及的只是女朋友凯莉(海伦•亨特 Helen Hunt 饰)。 一场飞机失事改变了这一切。所有人都以为查克丧生于这场灾难中,然而事实上他活了下来,被困在一个荒无人烟的小岛上。荒岛上的生活就连吃喝都成问题,查克成为了现代鲁滨逊。但另一方面,他在这里却因为与大自然依存,与险境搏斗,与孤独作伴,与饥饿抗争,得到了以前从来没有领悟到的感受。当他回到现代社会时,人生有了新的开始。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/cast-away/id309011568
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