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[Comedy/Holiday] Chasing Amy (1080p HD) [猜·情·寻] |
![]() Genre: Comedy Released: 1997 © 2011 Miramax Plot Summary Chasing Amy is the third installment in the "New Jersey Trilogy" from award winning writer/director Kevin Smith (Clerks, Mallrats, Dogma). Cult comic book artist Holden (Ben Affleck) falls in love with fellow artist Alyssa (Joey Lauren Adams), only to be thwarted by her sexuality, the disdain of his best friend Banky (Jason Lee), and his own misgivings about himself. Filled with Smith's unique ear for dialogue and insight into relationships, Chasing Amy offers a thoughtful, funny look at how perceptions alter lives, and how obsession and self doubt skew reality. 剧情简介 从看到艾丽莎(乔伊·劳伦·亚当斯 Joey Lauren Adams 饰)的第一眼起,霍登(本·阿弗莱克 Ben Affleck 饰)就知道自己在劫难逃,可接下来的消息对霍登来说无疑是一记噩耗,漂亮开朗的艾丽莎居然是一个完完全全的女同性恋者。得知了死党的遭遇,班克(杰森·李 Jason Lee 饰)为此十分打抱不平,他告诉霍登他的恋情并没有走入绝望的境地,并且表示愿意在此方面助他一臂之力。 随着时间的流逝,艾丽莎和霍登之间产生了真挚的感情,一段良缘眼看着就要结成,这时的班克才发现自己内心中充斥着的竟然全是负面的感情,他并不希望霍登能够得到艾丽莎的垂怜,而他和霍登之间的友谊也开始出现了裂痕。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/chasing-amy/id432470236
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