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[Drama/Independent] Traffic (1080p HD) [毒品网络] |
![]() Genre: Drama Released: 2000 © 2000 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved. Plot Summary It's the high-stakes, high-risk world of the drug trade as seen through a well-blended mix of interrelated stories: a Mexican policeman (Benicio Del Toro) finds himself and his partner caught in an often deadly web of corruption; a pair of DEA agents (Don Cheadle and Luis Guzman) work undercover in a sordid and dangerous part of San Diego; a wealthy drug baron living in upscale, suburban America is arrested and learns how quickly his unknowing and pampered wife (Catherine Zeta-Jones) takes over his business; and the U.S. President's new drug czar (Michael Douglas) must deal with his increasingly drug-addicted teenage daughter. 剧情简介 在崇尚享乐的现代社会,毒品已成为了美国政府甚为头痛的难题。为了应对日益严重的毒品犯罪和买卖,美国总统发起反毒品战争计划,正直的俄亥俄州最高法院大法官罗伯特·刘易斯(迈克·道格拉斯 饰)由此调任成为国家药品政策管理局的官员,他不仅要面对各个利益团体的攻伐和拉拢,还要应对来自家庭内部的毒品侵蚀;墨西哥南部,恪尽职守的警官哈维德·罗德里格兹在军方某将军的授意下,即将对盘桓这里的贩毒组织展开行动,而他也陷入了毒品泥潭中难以抽身;联邦干探蒙特尔和雷从事毒品卧底工作多年,虽然老牌毒枭卡尔落网,但他们又将和卡尔的妻子海伦娜(凯瑟琳·泽塔·琼斯 饰),这个继承了丈夫产业的新毒品贩子展开抗争…… https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/traffic/id299862577
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