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[Comedy/Holiday] Youth In Revolt (1080p HD) [青春大反抗] |
![]() Genre: Comedy Released: 2010 © 2009 The Weinstein Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. Plot Summary YOUTH IN REVOLT is a coming-of-age comedy that puts a fresh and outrageous stamp on a tale of adolescent obsession and rebellion. Based on the acclaimed novel by C.D. Payne, YOUTH IN REVOLT is the story of Nick Twisp - a unique, but affable teen with a taste for the finer things in life like Sinatra and Fellini - who falls hopelessly in love with the beautiful, free-spirited Sheeni Saunders (Portia Doubleday) while on a family vacation. But family, geography and jealous ex-lovers conspire to keep these two apart. With Sheeni's encouragement, Nick abandons his dull, predictable life and develops a rebellious alter ego: Francois. With his ascot, his moustache and his cigarette, Francois will stop at nothing to be with Sheeni, and leads Nick Twisp on a path of destruction with unpredictable and uproarious consequences. 剧情简介 影片的故事灵感来自于极具荒诞主义写实手法的作家C·D·佩恩的小说《青春大反抗:尼克·特威斯普的冒险传奇》,经由格斯汀·纳什之手创作改编成剧本。 尼克(迈克尔·塞拉 Michael Cera 饰)痴迷于法国文化,但总显得与他人格格不入,家庭情况也让他无能为力。直到他遇到了漂亮的邻家女孩辛妮(波茜娅·道布尔戴 Portia Doubleday 饰)。她喜欢收藏法国歌手唱片,让尼克觉得两人是天生一对,但作为处男的尼克如何应对。为了赢得辛妮的芳心,尼克制造出了另外一个自我——弗朗西斯·狄林杰尔。弗朗西斯与生性懦弱的尼克完成相反,他是一个纯粹的坏男孩,会做一些尼克可能永远都不敢尝试的事情。“两人”联手频出“奇招”,引发笑料不断。 这一次,尼克会完成自己的青春大反抗吗? https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/youth-in-revolt/id370100483
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