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[Drama/Independent] The Bling Ring (1080p HD) + iTunes Extras [珠光宝气] |
![]() Genre: Drama Released: 2013 © 2013 Bling Ring, LLC Plot Summary From Oscar award winning writer and director Sofia Coppola, THE BLING RING tells the story of a group of teenagers obsessed with fashion and celebrity that burglarize celebrities’ homes in Los Angeles. Tracking their targets' whereabouts online, they break-in and steal their designer clothes and possessions. Reflecting on the naiveté of youth and the mistakes we all make when young, amplified by today's culture of celebrity and luxury brand obsession, we see through the members of the Bling Ring temptations that almost any teenager would feel. What starts out as teenage fun spins out of control and leaves us with a sobering view of our culture today. THE BLING RING stars Emma Watson alongside incredible new talent Israel Broussard, Katie Chang, Claire Julien, and Taissa Farmiga. The film also features Leslie Mann, Gavin Rossdale, and real-life Bling Ring victim, Paris Hilton. It is based on the Vanity Fair article The Suspects Wore Louboutins by Nancy Jo Sales. 剧情简介 备受孤立的转校生马克(伊瑟尔·布罗萨德 Israel Broussard 饰)在新学校里遇到瑞贝卡(凯蒂·张 Katie Chang 饰),两人很快成为好友。想去纽约成为服装设计师的瑞贝卡对各种大牌服饰一直拥有超乎寻常的热情,但虚荣心让瑞贝卡开始进行小偷小摸。马克虽然曾 经试图阻止,但很快也成为了同伙。渐渐地,瑞贝卡将手伸向好莱坞明星的豪宅。她和马克研究了明星的动向后,选择他们不在家的时候破门而入进行偷窃。薇琪(艾玛·沃森 Emma Watson 饰)、科洛伊(克莱尔·茱莉安 Claire Julien 饰)等人随后也加入了这个行窃团伙。这个由三男三女组成的少年团伙行窃了包括帕利斯·希尔顿、奥兰多·布鲁姆、林赛·罗瀚等明星的居所,盗窃价值高达三百万美金。几个少男少女在纸醉金迷的虚荣和欢愉中不能自拔,但等待他们的终将是法律的制裁。 本片根据真人真事与《名利场》的报道改编。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/the-bling-ring/id659219905
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