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[Action/Adventure] Solomon Kane (1080p HD) [所罗门王凯恩] |
![]() Studio: "Davis-Films, Czech Anglo Productions, Wandering Star Pictures Genre: Action & Adventure Released: 2009 Copyright: © 2008 Wandering Star Pictures, Ltd. All Rights Reserved Languages Primary: English (Stereo, Dolby) Accessibility CC: Closed captions refer to subtitles in available languages with the addition of relevant non-dialogue information. About the Movie Captain Solomon Kane is a brutally efficient 16th Century killing machine. Armed with his signature pistols, cutlass and rapier, he and his men unleash their bloodlust as they fight for England in war after war on all continents. As the story opens, Kane and his band of pillagers are carving a bloody path through hordes of defenders in an exotic city in northern Africa. But, when Kane decides to attack a mysterious nearby castle to plunder its rumored riches, his mission takes a fateful turn. One by one, Kane's men are picked off by demonic creatures until he alone is left to face the Devil's own Reaper--dispatched from the depths of Hell to lay claim to his hopelessly corrupt soul. Though Kane at last manages to escape, he knows that he now must redeem himself by renouncing violence and devoting himself wholly to a life of peace and purity. His newfound spirituality, however, is quickly put to the ultimate test when he begins his journey across an England ravaged by diabolical human Raiders controlled by a terrifying, masked Overlord. TOMATOMETER 67% ![]() 导演: Michael J. Bassett 编剧: 迈克尔·巴塞特 / 罗伯特·霍华德 主演: Rachel Hurd-Wood / James Purefoy 类型: 动作 / 奇幻 / 冒险 制片国家/地区: France / Czech Republic / UK 语言: English 上映日期: 2009-12-23 片长: 104min 剧情简介 在那个充满战争和巫术的时代,所罗门·凯恩(杰姆斯·鲍弗 James Purefoy 饰)在无尽的贪欲和杀戮之中迷失自我,险些沦为魔王的傀儡。大难不死的所罗门回到故乡英格兰的一所修道院里,本想就此过上远离杀戮生活的他,在神父的指示下踏上回家的路。此时,外面遍布杀戮与抢掠,孤身上路的所罗门险遭不测,幸被准备举家迁往美洲的克鲁索恩一家所救。在与克鲁索恩一家相处的过程中,所罗门感受到家人的温暖与信任。一天清晨,克鲁索恩一家遭遇一群邪恶武士,他们杀死了克鲁索恩先生和两个儿子并抢走了克鲁索恩先生的女儿梅瑞蒂斯(蕾切儿·哈伍德 Rachel Hurd-Wood 饰),克鲁索恩在临死之前,祈求所罗门救出女儿,并告诉他只有救出梅瑞蒂斯,他的灵魂便才能得到惩救。立誓永不杀戮的所罗门为了救出梅瑞蒂斯同时惩求自己的灵魂,他不得不重拾战剑…… 本片根据美国作家罗伯特·霍华德(Robert E. Howard)1928年创作的同名小说改编。 https://itunes.apple.com/au/movie/solomon-kane/id949016748
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