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[Drama/Independent] Girl, Interrupted (1080p HD) [移魂女郎] |
![]() Genre: Drama Released: 2000 © 1999 Global Entertainment Productions GmbH & Co. Movie KG. All Rights Reserved. Plot Summary Two time Oscar®-nominee Winona Ryder stars in the fascinating true story of a young woman's life-altering stay at a famous psychiatric hospital in the turbulent late 1960's. Questionably diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, Susanna (Winona Ryder) rebels against the head nurse (Whoopi Goldberg) and top psychiatrist (Vanessa Redgrave), choosing instead to befriend the resident "loonies", a group of troubled women including the seductively charismatic sociopath Lisa (Angelina Jolie). But Susanna quickly learns if she wants her freedom, she'll have to face the person who terrifies her the most of all: herself. 剧情简介 本片根据苏珊娜凯森的自传体小说改编而成。苏珊娜(薇诺娜·瑞德 Winona Ryder饰)本是正值花季的普通少女,却被诊断为“边缘精神错乱症”而送进了精神病院。虽然苏珊娜深陷现实世界的精神压力中饱受折磨,但在精神病院苏珊娜结识到了一群看似乖戾却不同寻常的新朋友。具有反社会人格的莉莎(安吉丽娜·朱莉 Angelina Jolie饰),带领患有说谎癖的乔治娜(克丽·杜瓦尔 Clea DuVall饰),对火深怀恐惧的珀丽(伊丽莎白·莫斯 Elisabeth Moss饰),不能当着他人面进食的戴西(布莱特妮·墨菲 Brittany Murphy饰)等其他女孩,做出了很多令人瞠目结舌的举动,这令医院管理人员头痛不已。苏珊娜逐渐融入了女孩们的“秘密活动”中。这一次次离经叛道的疯狂冒险,使她踏上了一场寻找自我的精神之旅。 安吉丽娜·朱莉因本片荣获第72届奥斯卡金像奖(2000)奥斯卡奖-最佳女配角。 https://itunes.apple.com/no/movie/girl-interrupted/id539334344
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