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[Drama/Independent] Labor Day (1080p HD) [情动假日] |
![]() Genre: Drama Released: 2013 © 2013 Paramount Pictures Corporation and Frank’s Pie Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. Plot Summary Labor Day centers on 13-year-old Henry Wheeler, who struggles to be the man of his house and care for his reclusive mother Adele while confronting all the pangs of adolescence. On a back-to-school shopping trip, Henry and his mother encounter Frank Chambers, a man both intimidating and clearly in need of help, who convinces them to take him into their home and later is revealed to be an escaped convict. The events of this long Labor Day weekend will shape them for the rest of their lives. 剧情简介 故事发生在1987年的美国,阿黛尔(凯特·温丝莱特 Kate Winslet 饰)和亨利(加特林·格里菲斯 Gattlin Griffith 饰)是一对相依为命的母子,一次偶然中,两人在购物途中遇见了满身是血的流浪汉弗兰克(乔什·布洛林 Josh Brolin 饰),误打误撞之下,阿黛尔和亨利将弗兰克带回了家,弗兰克亦诚恳地坦白了他灰暗的过往。原来,弗兰克是一名逃犯,他因为发现深爱的儿子并非自己亲生而在愤怒之中失手杀死了女友曼迪(Maika Buckley 饰)。 随着时间的推移,弗兰克和阿黛尔之间的关系越来越亲密,两人决定带着亨利远走高飞,然而,正当计划即将顺利实施之时,亨利却将这个秘密告诉了早熟的女孩莲诺(布丽吉德·弗莱明 Brighid Fleming 饰),这一举动为阿黛尔和弗兰克带来了灾难性的麻烦。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/labor-day/id798559710
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