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[Drama/Independent] La Vie en Rose (1080p HD) [玫瑰人生] |
![]() Genre: Drama Released: 2007 © 2007 Home Box Office, Inc. Plot Summary She was known as "the Little Sparrow." But behind Edith Piaf's tiny stature was a larger-than-life voice that captivated a generation. Featuring a powerhouse, Oscar(R)-winning lead performance by Marion Cotillard, this sensational film unveils the story of the French songbird whose road to international fame became suffused with poverty, illness, heartbreak, tragedy and addiction. "Four stars...one of the best biopics I've seen" (Roger Ebert). Winner of two Academy Awards(R), for Best Actress (Cotillard) and Best Makeup. Co-starring Emmanuelle Seigner, Jean-Paul Rouve, Gerard Depardieu and Clotilde Courau. Directed by Olivier Dahan; adaptation and dialogues by Olivier and Isabelle Sobelman, screenplay by Olivier Dahan. 剧情简介 有着“小麻雀”之称的法国国宝级歌手艾迪特•皮雅芙(玛丽昂•歌迪亚饰),她有着传奇的一生。皮雅芙的童年颠沛流离,先是被母亲抛弃,然后被父亲送到妓院由祖母抚养,随后在父亲从军队退役后,又被强行带走随马戏团演出生活。再之后皮雅芙跟随父亲卖艺为生,街头初啼并到成为一名酒吧卖唱的少女。 正式登台的皮雅芙顺利成为一名歌喉迷人的明星,演唱了许多脍炙人口的歌曲。然而她的情感却一再受挫,尤其是和拳击手马塞尔(让-皮埃尔·马丁斯饰)的情感经历。她的晚年每况愈下,最后死于肝癌。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/la-vie-en-rose/id611440442
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