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[Classics/Documentary] Sophie's Choice (1080p HD) [苏菲的抉择] |
![]() Genre: Classics Released: 1982 © 1983 ITC Films Inc. Plot Summary Screen favorite Meryl Streep received an Academy Award® for her portrayal of Sophie Zawistowska in this penetrating drama set in post-World War II Brooklyn. Kevin Kline plays her all-consuming lover, Nathan. The story revolves around Sophie's struggle as a Polish-Catholic immigrant in the United States who had survived a Nazi concentration camp. The lovers' drama unfolds through the observations of a friend and would-be writer, Stingo (Peter MacNicol). As the trio grows closer, Stingo uncovers the hidden truths that they each harbor, resulting in “a fine, absorbing, wonderfully acted, heartbreaking movie” (Roger Ebert). 剧情简介 二战结束后,苏菲(梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)与男友移居到纽约贫民区,结识了同楼的作家。然而苏菲与男友时常吵架,动辄打闹,每次都是苏菲哭泣着乞求和好。作家开始并不习惯,后来渐渐被苏菲所吸引,二人惊天动地地相爱起来,被苏菲的男友发现,男友疯狂地妒意令他企图杀害苏菲和作家,二人一路逃跑,在小旅馆里,作家跟她求婚,这时苏菲讲了一个自己在集中营的故事。这一段记忆,始终跟随着苏菲,让她久久无法摆脱战争的阴影…… 此片曾获奥斯卡金像奖最佳女主角奖 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/sophies-choice/id838762295
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