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[Comedy/Holiday] Alfie (2004) (1080p HD) [阿尔菲] |
![]() Genre: Comedy Released: 2004 © 2007 Paramount Pictures Plot Summary This remake of Lewis Gilbert's 1966 film of the same name features Jude Law filling the shoes Michael Caine once wore in the title role of Alfie. As with the original, Law occasionally speaks directly to the camera while his character talks of the opposite sex. Under the direction of Charles Shyer, Alfie follows a charming, if morally lacking, womanizer from one bed to the next. While his actions arise more from nonchalance than malice, Alfie nonetheless faces a moral dilemma when considering that he's impregnated one of his latest girlfriends. Alfie also includes performances from Marisa Tomei, Susan Sarandon, and Nia Long. 剧情简介 这是一个看似荒诞的爱情悲喜剧。阿尔菲(裘德洛饰)是一个豪华房车司机。英俊不凡的外表,让他在风月场上如鱼得水。身边的女人换了一个又一个,阿尔菲却总在真爱降临的时候临阵逃脱,继续下一轮的风流快活。当有一天,因为某些原因,他急切想要的回头,曾经的爱情还在那里吗?仍然是热闹的节日,阿尔菲是会热闹温馨的拥有爱,还是会一个人孤独的缩在大衣里抵挡城市里迷乱而寒冷的风。他爱这座城市,这座从不缺少爱的城市,会给他留下什么呢? https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/alfie-2004/id208835244
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