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[Comedy/Holiday] Joyful Noise (720p HD) [快乐的噪音] |
![]() Genre: Comedy Released: 2012 © 2012 Alcon Film Fund, LLC Plot Summary The small town of Pacashau, Georgia, has fallen on hard times, but the people are counting on the Divinity Church Choir to lift their spirits by winning the National Joyful Noise Competition. The choir has always known how to sing in harmony, but the discord between its two leading ladies now threatens to tear them apart. Their newly appointed director, Vi Rose Hill (Latifah), stubbornly wants to stick with their tried-and-true traditional style, while the fiery G.G. Sparrow (Parton) thinks tried-and-true translates to tired-and-old. Shaking things up even more is the arrival of G.G.'s rebellious grandson, Randy (Jeremy Jordan). Randy has an ear for music, but he also has an eye for Vi Rose's beautiful and talented daughter, Olivia (Keke Palmer). If these two strong-willed women can put aside their differences for the good of the people in their town, they--and their choir--may make the most joyful noise of all. 剧情简介 佐治亚州的帕萨豪小镇陷入了精神危机之中,因为当地教堂唱诗班的总指挥刚刚猝死。而整个小镇的人们都在翘首以待着这个以和声与合唱闻名的唱诗班能在全国性的"快乐噪音"的比赛上拿回冠军。可是现在,这个唱诗班几乎走到了分裂的边缘。原因很简单,在前指挥去世之后,当地的教会为唱诗班指定了一个叫做薇·罗斯·希尔的指挥,而她则希望能用自己的传统的、被实践证明是可行的方式指挥合唱团。而前指挥的遗孀,G·G·斯派洛却认为,老传统需要革新才有生命力,况且她认为自己才是最有资格领导乐团的人,因为她还是教堂最重要的资助者。 斯派洛的孙子兰迪来到小镇之后,事情渐渐变得更加复杂起来。兰迪不仅很有音乐天赋,而且还对希尔那漂亮的、富有歌唱才华的女儿垂涎三尺,他疯狂地追求着奥利维亚。这两个年轻人之间的爱情,也在反过来激化着两个要争夺唱诗班主权的女人的矛盾。 如果,这两个雄心勃勃、富有人格魅力的女性能把这些分歧暂时放在一边,那么这个唱诗班绝对会一鸣惊人,并且在全国比赛上获得冠军。只是,女人间的矛盾,有那么容易解决么? https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/joyful-noise/id501255259
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