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[Drama/Independent] Peaceful Warrior (1080p HD) [和平战士] |
![]() Genre: Drama Released: 2006 © 2005 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved. Plot Summary An inspirational and triumphant film about the power of the human spirit, Peaceful Warrior is the incredible true story based on Dan Millman's bestselling novel. A gifted young athlete, bound for Olympic gold, Dan has it all: trophies, talent, and all the women he wants. But after a life-changing event, Dan comes to rely on Socrates (Nick Nolte), a mysterious stranger, and Joy (Amy Smart), an elusive young woman, to teach him the secret to overcome incredible odds and tap into new worlds of strength and understanding. Hailed by celebrities and critics alike, Peaceful Warrior is "an inspiring film that could change lives." - Sting 剧情简介 在比赛中,丹•米尔曼(斯科特•麦克洛维茨 Scott Mechlowicz 饰)完成了一组高难度的吊环动作,却在落地时把左腿摔得粉碎。他猛然惊醒。原来是南柯一梦。凌晨三点,受惊的米尔曼出去散心,意外在加油站结实了一位身怀绝技的老者苏格拉底(尼克•诺特 Nick Nolte 饰),两人成了忘年交。米尔曼外形俊朗,成绩优异,所以总有女孩子围绕身边,然而因为跟好友的女友上床而惹得兄弟反目。另外,他一直希望完成一个高难度动作,却遭到教练的强烈反对,因为后者怕他受伤。由于困扰的时候,他就会来加油站跟苏格拉底交谈。然而一场突如其来的车祸似的米尔曼丧失一切,双脚骨头碎了近100处,他的体操生涯遭到毁灭性打击。病床上的米尔曼这时想起了苏格拉底。在苏格拉底的指引下,米尔曼通过集中全部精神创造了奇迹…… https://itunes.apple.com/gb/movie/peaceful-warrior/id319026979
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