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[Comedy/Holiday] Raising Arizona (1080p HD) [抚养亚利桑纳] |
![]() Genre: Comedy Released: 1987 © 1987 Circle Films, Inc. Plot Summary Vowing to go straight, a recidivist convenience store bandit H.I. (Nicolas Cage) proposes marriage to police department photographer Ed (Holly Hunter), whom he's come to know quite well after so many trips to jail. All is wedded bliss for the unlikely couple until they discover she's unable to get pregnant. Turned down by every adoption agency in town thanks to H.I.'s rowdy past, it does not take long before they realize the only solution--kidnap one of the town's celebrated "Arizona Quintuplets" and hit the road! But the road is never smooth, and soon H.I.'s convict friends, his greedy boss and a ruthless motorcycle-riding bounty hunter become involved in the scheme to possess the famous baby. 剧情简介 前科累累的惯犯嗨(尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)同狱警艾德(霍利·亨特 Holly Hunter 饰)一见钟情,两人喜结连理。之后,嗨决定为了爱妻痛改前非做个好人。非常喜欢孩子的艾德发现自己居然无法生育,终日郁郁寡欢,嗨看在眼里十分痛心。镇上的大亨亚利桑纳(特雷·威尔逊 Trey Wilson 饰)家诞下了五胞胎,听闻此事,艾德和嗨甘愿冒险,从大亨处偷了一个名叫尼尔森二世的婴儿。终于有了孩子艾德十分幸福,嗨却逐渐感到了作为一名父亲的压力。丢失了孩子的大亨十分焦急,报案之后警察却对案件毫不上心,此时,一名自称“地狱使者”的壮汉找到大亨,打包票能帮他寻回儿子。 嗨的家里也是一团糟,两名囚犯越狱前来投奔嗨,他们发现婴儿身价不菲将其劫走。与此同时,嗨得罪过的上司也发现了婴儿的秘密,并以此要挟嗨对他百依百顺。千钧一发之际,为了妻儿,为了保护他所爱的人们,嗨不得不重出江湖。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/raising-arizona/id270425042
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