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[Action/Adventure] Robocop (1080p HD) [机器战警] |
![]() Genre: Action & Adventure Released: 1987 © 1987 Orion Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Plot Summary Set in old Detroit, a crime-ridden ghetto of the not too distant future, a cop killed in the line of duty is robotized then dispatched to fight crime. But Robocop is haunted by memories and dreams of who and what he used to be. As he rediscovers his past, he uncovers a murder conspiracy at the highest level of police management. 剧情简介 底特律是世界闻名的汽车城,这里的机械工业已经到了出神入化的地步。墨菲(彼得•威勒 Peter Weller 饰)是底特律的一个普通警察,既没有非凡身手、也没有高超技术。一次,他执行任务时被一伙暴徒暴打致死,从此他的人生轨迹改变了。 底特律的科学家没能救活他的身体,却能将他的头脑和机械完美地合二为一。墨菲成了一个有着人类头脑和机械身体的机械警察!身上配备了各种武器、能应付各种各样的暴力活动的墨菲成了底特律警察的王牌。然而墨菲发生意外后他的家人却神秘失踪了,墨菲打击罪恶之余一直在竭力寻找家人。 令人意外的是,墨菲的机械身体却是操控在一伙利益集团手中。他们一直都在利用墨菲干着各种罪恶勾当…… https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/robocop/id251112030
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