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[Action/Adventure] The Untouchables (1080p HD) [铁面无私] |
![]() Genre: Action & Adventure Released: 1987 © 1987 by Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved. Plot Summary Like the TV series that shared the same title, The Untouchables (1987) was an account of the battle between gangster Al Capone and lawman Eliot Ness, this time in the form of a feature film boasting big stars, a big budget, and a script from respected playwright David Mamet. Kevin Costner stars as Ness, a federal agent who has come to Chicago during the Prohibition Era, when corruption in the local police department is rampant. His mission is to put crime lord Capone (Robert De Niro) out of business, but Capone is so powerful and popular that Ness is not taken seriously by the law or the press. One night, discouraged, he meets a veteran patrolman, Jimmy Malone (Sean Connery), and discovers that the acerbic Irishman is the one honest man he's been seeking. Malone has soon helped Ness recruit a gunslinger rookie, George Stone (Andy Garcia), and, joined by nebbish accountant Oscar Wallace (Charles Martin Smith), the men doggedly pursue Capone and his illegal interests. At first a laughingstock, Ness soon has Capone outraged over his and Malone's sometimes law-bending tactics, and the vain mobster strikes back in vicious style. Ultimately, it is the most unexpected and minor of crimes, tax evasion, which proves Capone's undoing. All of the credits for The Untouchables boasted big names, including music from Ennio Morricone and costumes by Giorgio Armani. Director Brian De Palma continued his tradition of including a homage to past masters of the cinema with a taut stairway shoot-out reminiscent of a similar sequence in Sergei Eisenstein's Battleship Potemkin (1925). 剧情简介 30年代的芝加哥充满了混乱,黑道横行官商勾结,其中,要数掌握着私酒市场命脉的黑帮老大卡彭(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)的势力最为强大。即使在这样黑暗的环境中,联邦探员纳斯(凯文·科斯特纳 Kevin Costner 饰)也依然怀抱着惩奸除恶的理想, 可是很快,现实便教会了他,在这个世界里,谁才是老大。 在老警探马龙(肖恩·康纳利 Sean Connery 饰)的帮助下,纳斯重拾了自信,他组织了一个专案小组,专门调查和打击卡彭的犯罪事业。在纳斯的努力下,小组的行动初显成效,可随之而来的,就是来自卡彭的威胁和迫害。组员被杀,马龙受伤,这一切的一切都不能使纳斯消沉,反而更加坚定了他除掉卡彭的决心,一场激烈的较量在正义和邪恶之间拉开了帷幕。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/the-untouchables/id266641150
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