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[Thriller/Horror] Firewall (1080p HD) [防火墙] |
![]() Genre: Thriller Released: 2006 © 2006 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. 2006 Village Roadshow (BMI) Limited. All rights reserved. Plot Summary Firewall stars Harrison Ford as bank security expert Jack Stanfield, whose specialty is designing infallible theft-proof financial computer systems. But there's a hidden vulnerability in the system he didn't account for - himself. When a ruthless criminal mastermind (Paul Bettany) kidnaps his family, Jack is forced to find a flaw in his system and steal $100 million. With the lives of his wife and children at stake and under constant surveillance, he has only hours to find a loophole in the thief's own impenetrable system of subterfuge and false identities to beat him at his own game. 剧情简介 年过中旬的杰克·斯坦福(哈里森·福特 Harrison Ford 饰)是位于美国西雅图市太平洋银行的网络安全高级主管,他凭借其主持设计的高科技防火墙软件而备受高层的重视,也因此杰克与妻子儿女过着养尊处优的幸福生活。然而,他的重要性也同样引起了不法之徒的注意。歹徒比尔•考克斯是个高智商的罪犯,他和他的团伙用一年的时间研究斯坦福一家的作息习惯和相关资料。在一切准备充分后,比尔绑架了杰克的家人,并胁迫杰克破解太平洋银行的防盗系统,从而盗出一亿美元现金。 顾及到妻儿的姓名,杰克违心答应了比尔的要求,与此同时他也和这个狡猾的家伙展开了斗智斗勇的对决…… https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/firewall/id289191296
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