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[Classics/Documentary] Brand: A Second Coming (1080p HD) [再访布兰德] |
![]() Genre: Documentary Released: 2015 Plot Summary Brand: A Second Coming chronicles actor/ comedian/ activist Russell Brand on his journey from addict, self-proclaimed narcissist and Hollywood star living in the fast-lane to his current, and unexpected, role as political disruptor & newfound hero to the underserved. Criticized for egomaniacal self-interest, Brand injects his madness in to the world and calls for revolution. He stays the course with an irreverent courage that inspires a new generation of activists to rise up against the ever-increasing world engorged in consumerism. Can Brand rise against the roar of criticism from the very system that built him? Does he have the fortitude, resilience and commitment to keep up the fight? Will he find true happiness, which has eluded him since childhood? Brand: A Second Coming takes audiences behind the scenes of this wildly complex man for an intimate look at what drives Russell Brand as he continues to be the consummate disruptor. Brand: A Second Coming is a feature documentary produced, written and directed by award-winning filmmaker Ondi Timoner (Dig! We Live in Public). 导演:Ondi Timoner 制片人:Andrew Antonio 摄影:Ondi Timoner、Svetlana Cvetko 剪辑:Clay Zimmerman、David Timoner、Ondi Timoner、Tim Rush 剧情简介 从舞台表演到激进主义,从小城艾塞克斯到扬名世界,大明星拉塞尔·布兰德(Russell Brand)的成长历程是这部精彩纪录片的主题。导演昂迪·蒂莫纳(Ondi Timoner)将影片的制作后台置于布兰德家乡街道上的汽车中,这样接近一个公众人物的方式也是罕见的。影片中,布兰德讲述了他的童年、性瘾、毒瘾以及他与凯蒂·佩里(Katy Perry)的婚姻。该纪录片还包含对布兰德家人及朋友的采访,以及他在职业生涯和占领运动中的脱口秀。今年三月,这部影片拉开了SXSW电影节(SXSW Film Festival)的帷幕,但布兰德当时未能出席。总而言之,这是一部迷人且刺激的作品。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movi ... coming/id1055361612
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