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[Sci-Fi & Fantasy] Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (1080p HD) [天空上尉与明日世界] |
![]() Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy Released: 2005 © 2004 Paramount Pictures Plot Summary In this science fiction adventure set in the 1930s, New York City reporter Polly Perkins starts to investigate why so many famous scientists are being reported missing. Soon, she gets clues, as strange flying machines and giant robots threaten the city. Luckily, her old flame, aviator Captain Joseph Sullivan aka Sky Captain, is there to battle the bad guys with the Flying Legion, in his Warhawk P-40. Now Polly must fly away with Sky Captain to Nepal to find a crazy scientist, Dr. Totenkopf, who apparently wants to destroy the world! 剧情简介 这是一部科幻动作片。在将来的某一天,纽约遭到了不明来历的攻击,天空上尉飞行员约瑟夫•苏立文(裘德洛饰)收到求救信号出手相助,在经过激烈的较量后,纽约迎来了暂时的平静,天空上尉也在这次战斗中偶遇并且救下了身为记者的旧情人波莉(格温妮斯•帕特洛饰)。原来波莉所调查的事件和这次袭击有着千丝万缕的联系,背后有一个巨大的阴谋。 为了迎接即将到来的恶战,保卫世界,他们向海军女子特谴队队长弗兰姬•库克(安吉莉娜•朱丽饰)和技术专家戴克斯(吉奥瓦尼•瑞比西饰)寻求了帮助。一场正义与邪恶的较量揭开了序幕…… https://itunes.apple.com/us/movi ... omorrow/id208716130
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