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[Drama/Independent] The Beach (1080p HD) [海滩] |
![]() Genre: Drama Released: 2000 © 2000 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Plot Summary Richard (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a young American backpacker, willing to risk his life for just one thing: the mind-blowing rush he can only get from braving the ultimate adventure. After hearing the improbable tale of a secret island - the perfect beach, unsullied by tourists - Richard sets off on a journey to find paradise on Earth. But Richard soon discovers that what seems like paradise can hide a deadly secret. Now desperate to escape, Richard explores the hidden perils and dark places that lurk just beyond the shores of paradise. 剧情简介 Richard(Leonardo DiCaprio)是位酷爱网上冲浪和冒险的美国年轻人,一天,他来到泰国曼谷,欲找寻在网络上得知的人间天堂海滩。在投宿的廉价旅馆里,他遇到法国女孩Franoise(Virginie Ledoyen)和其男友,三人成了朋友,不久Richard爱上Franoise。 Richard从诡异的光头佬那里得到一些听来奇怪的秘密,随后光头佬留下一张神秘地图意外死去,这激起Richard的好奇心,按图索骥一番追踪,他确信海滩的确存在,开始说服Franoise和其男友同他一起去找寻海滩,并复制了一份地图供另外认识的美国朋友前去探险。 克服了种种困难,Richard三人来到疑似海滩乐园的地方,可是呈现在他们眼前的只有大片大片的大麻地和持枪的泰国农人,逃命之际,他们终于走进梦想中的天堂,那里的人们在Sal(Tilda Swinton)的带领下,过着无忧单纯的近似原始社会的生活。Richard三人的到来令泰国农人对Sal发出警告:海滩不准再添人。这句话随后成谶语。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/the-beach/id270693153
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